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  • Due to COVID-19, we are taking all the necessary precautions possible to keep our customers and staff safe during these uncertain times. We suggest following local guidelines about physical distancing from Health Canada.


  • Your business and health are extremely important to us. We will be limiting customer/employee face to face interactions by conducting business via phone or email. Our technicians require spacing of 6ft min at all times while performing inspections and maintenance work. 

  • Pick up, drop off and deliveries will still be on-going.  If you buy an item, be sure to clean and disinfect it before bringing it into your home.

  • Recommendation for protecting yourself and preventing the spread of this illness includes frequent hand washing and covering your nose and mouth when coughing. Try to cough into your arm, away from others, or into tissue paper (to be disposed of in the toilet). Wash your hands immediately afterwards. You should avoid close contact with anyone showing symptoms of respiratory illness.


National Fire Protection Association is a United States trade association, albeit with some international members, that creates and maintains private, copyrighted standards and codes for usage and adoption by local governments. The association was formed in 1896 by a group of insurance firms.

NFPA 10: Standard for Portable Fire Extinguishers

NFPA 10 provides requirements to ensure that portable fire extinguishers will work as intended to provide the first line of defence against fires of limited size.

NFPA 408: Standard for Aircraft Hand Portable Fire Extinguishers

This standard specifies requirements for the type, capacity, rating, number, location, installation, and maintenance of aircraft hand portable fire extinguishers to be provided for the use of flight crew members or other occupants of an aircraft for the control of incipient fires in the areas of aircraft that are accessible during flight. 1.1.1 This standard also includes requirements for training flight crew members in the use of these extinguishers. 1.1.2 This standard does not cover fire detection and fixed fire-extinguishing systems installed in an aircraft or fire detection and fire-extinguishing systems for the protection of ground maintenance operations. 1.1.3 Specific protection for Class D fires and for fires in hazardous materials is beyond the scope of this standard.

NFPA 96: Standard for Ventilation Control and Fire Protection of Commercial Cooking Operations

NFPA 96 provides preventive and operative fire safety requirements intended to reduce the potential fire hazard of both public and private commercial cooking operations.

NFPA 51B: Standard for Fire Prevention During Welding, Cutting, and Other Hot Work

This standard presents provisions to prevent injury, loss of life, and loss of property from fire or explosion as a result of hot work projects such as welding, heat-treating, grinding, and similar applications producing or using sparks, flames, or heat.

NFPA 17: Standard for Dry Chemical Extinguishing Systems

This standard includes the minimum requirements to ensure that dry chemical fire extinguishing systems will function as intended throughout their life to protect life and property from fire. It is intended for the use and guidance of those who purchase, design, install, test, inspect, approve, list, operate, or maintain such equipment.

NFPA 17A: Standard for Wet Chemical Extinguishing Systems

This standard includes the minimum requirements to ensure that pre-engineered wet chemical fire extinguishing systems will function as intended throughout their lives to protect life and property from fire. It is intended for the use and guidance of those who purchase, design, install, test, inspect, approve, list, operate, or maintain such equipment.

NFPA 410: Standard on Aircraft Maintenance

This standard presents requirements for fire safety to protect life and property during aircraft maintenance. It does not include the health and safety requirements for personnel involved in aircraft maintenance.

NFPA 302: Fire Protection Standard - Commercial Motor Craft

This standard provides fire and life safety requirements for boats (less than 300 gross tons) that are used for pleasure and commercial purposes.

NFPA 418: Standard for Heliports

This standard establishes fire safety requirements for operations at for heliports and rooftop hangars for the protection of people, aircraft, and other property.

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